How to 10 X your results in the gym

Hey everyone, so I just listened to an amazing podcast episode about digestion, nutrition and workouts! Did you know that consuming enough vegetables and fruits can help increase gut flora and improve digestion? And, starting small with workouts can actually help you develop a consistent habit and build up gradually. The speaker suggests starting with a target of 1.5 grams/kg of body weight in protein per day to grow as much muscle as possible, which will help push fat out of the body! And remember, consistency is key, not occasional slip-ups. Don't forget to cut yourself some slack and get back on track if you make a mistake. Small wins add up to big progress, so let's take action towards our fitness goals today! #fitnessjourney #nutrition #workouts #smallwins #consistencyiskey 👩‍💻 LinkedIn post

Proper digestion is crucial for achieving our fitness goals. Digestive issues can interfere with body transformation and recovery. Gut flora play a vital role in digestion, and consuming enough veggies and fruits can enhance gut flora and improve digestive health.The key to muscle growth is getting enough protein.

The speaker suggests starting with a target of 1.5 grams/kg of body weight per day for seven days consistently. After hitting the target for seven days, the protein intake is increased, and the process continues.Starting small develops a consistent habit and is doable. Starting with a couple of workouts a week is better for people who haven't worked out before or haven't in a long time. Building up gradually is the best way to approach workouts.Workouts don't need to exceed 45 minutes if done correctly. Consistency is the key, not occasional slip-ups.

Making a mistake is okay, and it's important to cut yourself some slack and get back on track.Having enough protein in your diet helps you recover after workouts, reduces prolonged soreness, and makes fractures caused by workouts stronger. Good nutrition is essential, neglecting it can lead to serious health issues.The podcast episode focuses on nutrition and internal dialogue.

Taking action towards fitness goals strengthens internal dialogue. Building on small increments of wins is key to progress.Building on small increments of the win is key to progress. The speaker advises clients to not change their routine too much. Some tips include eating before starting work or waiting till lunch. Go with the tide of the day when scheduling meals.Alcohol and bad food consumption can lead to high blood pressure, cholesterol, and other health problems down the line.

We tend to have a "she'll be right" attitude towards our lifestyle, which can lead to long-term health consequences.The speaker's journey into fitness started in 2002 after suffering a burn to his arm. He decided to rehab it through a gym membership and noticed progress quickly.

He pursued a career in the fitness industry after realizing he could help others.In conclusion, proper digestion, consistent workouts, and good nutrition are essential for achieving our fitness goals. Starting small and building on small wins is key to progress. Don't neglect your health as it can lead to serious health issues down the line.