Top 3 ways to Back yourself and get RESULTS FAST

On this episode of the podcast, the focus is on taking chances and winning in life. The hosts discuss the difficulty of betting on oneself, particularly when it comes to pursuing long-held dreams. They emphasize the importance of committing fully, as halfhearted efforts often lead to failure. Additionally, they discuss the importance of prioritizing health and fitness, particularly for men over 40-50 years old. The podcast stresses the unpredictability of life and urges listeners to take ownership of themselves and their health. Through personal anecdotes and Eastern philosophy, the hosts encourage listeners to take action and pursue their goals with urgency. Overall, this episode provides valuable insights on mindset, commitment, and taking risks to achieve personal transformation.

Topics covered in the episode:
- Taking a bet on oneself to achieve personal goals- Importance of mindset in achieving personal goals- Echo Toll Eastern philosophy regarding temporary and rented possessions- Fear of going into the "dark area" of the mind- Embodying a mindset of action and creating urgency- Importance of taking care of oneself, particularly for men over 40-50 years old
Bullets for each topic:
Taking a bet on oneself to achieve personal goals- Betting on oneself is a simple decision of saying yes to oneself- Key topic discussed in the podcast is taking a bet on oneself to achieve personal goals related to fitness, health, and transformation- It is emphasized that it is not easy, and one cannot just half-heartedly step into it- The way to guarantee success is by betting on oneself and committing to following through with the necessary actions to achieve the desired outcome
Importance of mindset in achieving personal goals- Starting an exercise and nutrition program now puts someone ahead of those who wait until January 1st, and the momentum from starting early will propel someone forward- The speaker suggests listening to a podcast titled "The effect of why focusing on your goals is going to make you fail" for valuable insight-

The speaker and their team are passionate about their work and emphasize its importance within a short window of time
Echo Toll Eastern philosophy regarding temporary and rented possessions- The excerpt discusses the Echo Toll Eastern philosophy which states that everything in life is temporary and rented, including one's body and health- People often feel ownership over their possessions and health, which can lead to neglecting their health while focusing on other areas of life- The podcast mentions how some successful individuals may have great careers and lifestyles but neglect their health, leading to potential health issues in the future
Fear of going into the "dark area" of the mind- Saying yes to oneself is terrifying due to judgments and unworthiness baggage- Everyone has a deep desire to achieve something they've been dreaming about for a long time- Saying yes to oneself and giving oneself permission to be great is one of the hardest behavioral things to do- It's about pursuing something of great value that would be a blessing in one's life and requires effort which only the individual can do
Embodying a mindset of action and creating urgency-

The speaker is reflecting on turning 50 and realizing that the advice he used to give himself, that he had a "short, long time" to achieve his goals, was not accurate- He emphasizes the importance of creating urgency and embodying a mindset of action, as he believes that effort is how men are measured- The speaker believes that success requires taking repetitive, routine, and sometimes boring actions over time, which can lead to massive results through the compound effect
Importance of taking care of oneself, particularly for men over 40-50 years old- Men often believe they have time to achieve their goals, even if they haven't been at their peak in the past- This belief is an illusion that prevents them from facing the reality of their situation- By pushing their goals further away, they may eventually lose interest or become unable to achieve them-

Many men prioritize taking care of their financial responsibilities and family over taking care of their own health- The speaker describes a phenomenon where men are gripped by a fear that prevents them from seeking medical consultations despite having valid health concerns- The speaker urges his audience, particularly men over 40-50 years old, to prioritize their health and fitness, envisioning a future where they are physically capable and present for their loved ones- He acknowledges that the journey to fitness may be challenging and require sacrifices, but it ultimately leads to feeling and looking great.